Getting to Know Your Periodic Table

Step 1: Read the Project Directions

Getting to Know Your Periodic Table

Step 3: Familiarize Yourself with the Canva Tools

Canva for Beginners

Navigate through this Canva for Beginners playlist by clicking on the triple bars with the right facing arrow (top right corner of the video window) and then selecting a video from the list. You can access the playlist directly in YouTube using the link above or by clicking the title of the video in the top left corner of the video window.

Step 4: Choose a Template or Create Your Own Design

Create Your Own Design
11"x17" is the largest paper size we
have available for printing. You can create from scratch by clicking "Create a design" in the top right corner, then choosing "Custom size".

Poster Templates
Posters are 18"x24".
You will need to resize or scale your design when printing.

Infographic Templates
Infographics are 800x2000 pixels.
You will need to resize or scale your design when printing.

Step 5: Create Your Team and Start Designing

Step 6: Download and Print Your Design

Reminder: Be sure to select "PDF Print" as the file type for your download.